Deciding to underpay your taxes has serious repercussions, taking many years to remedy. If you fail to pay the taxes you owe, you risk incurring the wrath of the IRS and can wind up paying far more than you would have if you had paid the right amounts on time.

People who underpay their taxes can expect to receive a Notice and Demand for Payment from the IRS. If you get one of these notices, be wise and do not ignore it. This demand is essentially a bill for taxes due. It lays out the amount of the liability you have. The best thing to do if you receive the notice is to immediately contact knowledgeable Tucson tax defense attorneys who have far more experience dealing with the IRS than you do. A skilled attorney can help come to terms with the IRS without sacrificing your financial future.

So what are you facing if you underpay your taxes? The IRS can do the following:

Once a lien is filed, you face a time limit to challenge it. If you are an innocent spouse, you may be able to avoid all liability for taxes and penalties. An experienced attorney at Heurlin Sherlock can stand by your side and fight to seek the relief you need, as well as ensure your filings are made in a timely manner.